November 01, 2017
Is partnership still the 'north star' for lawyers?

Ahead of our exclusive debate and networking event with on what it takes to become a legal partner, we spoke to Situl Bains, Global General Counsel at UNiDAYS the world’s leading Student Affinity Network, which is based here in Nottingham.
Situl is part of a diverse and highly experienced panel who knows what it takes to make the next step in a legal career. Here's her advice;
'Partnership will be the North Star for many starting out in the legal profession. But on the journey towards that destination, some will realise that partnership is not for them.
Awareness of the alternatives is important.
My career as an in-house lawyer started somewhat serendipitously. UNiDAYS was being founded by my brother whilst I was on maternity leave and before long, I was sole legal counsel, providing legal support in most areas of law.
We now have a team of 3, with two of our in-house counsel moving to us from highly respected law firms in London and Nottingham. It’s perhaps most helpful to reflect on the attraction of an in-house role from their perspective, where work/life balance, meaningful contribution and vast range of experience are just some of the key benefits that they have seen from their move.
I am now Global General Counsel at UNiDAYS – perhaps the in-house equivalent of a partner - certainly my North Star. This was most definitely the right move for me and I hope, with our search for 2 more in-house lawyers, that it will prove a great move for them too.'
Is partnership still the 'north star' for lawyers? As a firm, are you considering all of your options when seeking to attract, retain and reward top legal talent?
Join us on November 9th event to find out.