April 09, 2021
The top three things we miss about the office

Working from home can have its advantages: more time to spend with the family; the chance to miss out on the daily commuter grind; and working hours as flexible as you want them to be.
However, working from home also means you're physically separated from the things that make an office special. Many legal professionals consider some of their colleagues as family, while for Millennials and Gen Zers the office environment is often the reason they stay in a job or leave for pastures new.
An ONS survey completed before the first lockdown last March showed that we spend around 33 hours a week in the office, on average. The loss of this has left a huge hole in some legal professionals' lives.
Losing everything from physical brainstorming meetings, down to having a chat in the staff kitchen - most of what makes the office special has disappeared for large chunks of the last year.
Bygott Biggs wants to shine a light on what legal professionals miss most about the office, both in private practice and in-house legal teams.
Whether you’re a client or a candidate we’d love to hear your thoughts and predictions on how law firms should be conducting their business in the near and longer-term future.
We're asking you to take two minutes of your time to complete our annual survey and tell us what you miss about being in the office:
1. The ‘buzz’ of the office - the chance to walk away from the lap top and endless Zoom calls; the space to walk around and be part of something bigger; to work collectively and motivate one another.
2. Colleagues - face to face interaction with work mates; sharing experience and knowledge; social banter, strengthening our working relationships.
3. A defined work space outside of the home - a clear definition between ‘work’ life and ‘home’ life and the opportunity to switch off.
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